i recently submitted this painting to the annual art & literary journal at my university, just to test the waters so to speak. i have never put my art out for public display before, and it feels akin to sending one of my progeny to the firing squad.
this painting is entitled "go(ichi)", and is acrylic on canvas measuring 36x40. it was inspired in part by a frequently used pattern in my childhood sketches.
i never mention this to you in person.. because it never comes up.. but this is by far my favorite painting that you have done up to this point.. it's simplistic yet engrossing.. the free-formed shapes along with the abundance of color is chaotic.. but with the heavy set black lines there is still a sense of control.. excuse me for saying so.. but i feel as if it is a true reflection of your inner self.. as it is a reflection of us all.. and in that it is beautiful...
...your thoughtful and intelligent critique is much appreciated, elijah, as is the compliment to me and my work...i wish you would begin to post some of your art so that i could return the wordage lil buddy...
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