if this is true why then do we recognize the angles of M.C. Escher? just because his are askew and non-existent and mine are based in reality and quite common does not mean i cannot claim it...
...aaaaand you've bested me again...i won't bother to feebly argue my cherokee ancestor's case since your superior logic skills will only conquer me, much as your french ancestors surely and mercilessly conquered my people...
but but but... my angle?!?!
hey man you can't bogart the angles, okay? they're, like, universal intellectual property man...
if this is true why then do we recognize the angles of M.C. Escher? just because his are askew and non-existent and mine are based in reality and quite common does not mean i cannot claim it...
claim away, madman, claiming does not ownership make
if that is the case, everyone on this continent would be of "native american" descent...
...aaaaand you've bested me again...i won't bother to feebly argue my cherokee ancestor's case since your superior logic skills will only conquer me, much as your french ancestors surely and mercilessly conquered my people...
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